Schools & Departments
Service Center for Studying Abroad

  Founded in December 2005,the Service Center for Studying Abroad, authorized by the Ministry of Education. (J.W.Z.Z.R.Z. No. [2006]392), is an intermediary agent for self-funded overseas studies. Its principal activities include providing international preparatory courses, international high school courses, professional translation and interpreting services, conducting international education exchanges, education market surveys, organizing educational exhibitions, and acting as an intermediary agent for tutoring by foreign teachers.

  Taking advantage of BLCU’s language expertise, qualified teaching force and rich intercollegiate resources, the Service Center has built a close relationship with foreign embassies in China, overseas schools of higher education and educational institutions, and has acquired a good reputation in the field of overseas study. The center is committed to providing opportunities to study in top-ranking foreign universities and sending excellent Chinese students abroad, and it facilitates the procedures involved with studying abroad and strives to make international studies available to all.

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