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Release Date:2015-07-28 Viewers: Font:[ Big Medium Small ]

With a building area of 5,040 square meters, the university sports center is fully equipped with various sports facilities, including:

Swimming center:

Covering a building area of 4,000 square meters, the swimming center maintains clean water and a swimmer-friendly environment. The temperature inside is kept around 28°C -30°C and the water 24°C -30°C in winter.  

Badminton courts

There are altogether 6 badminton courts with a total of 887 seats for spectators on both eastern and western stands.

Billiard center:

The billiard center covers an area of 216 square meters with 5 billiard tables and 2 shuffle board tables.

Fitness Center:

The 560-square-meter fitness center is furnished with various fitness apparatus and aerobic courses are also provided, such as TKD, yoga and calisthenics.  

The campus stadium, with a usable area of 19,136 square meters, is equipped with 8 400-meter plastic race tracks and in the center a football court of artificial lawn.  

The 3 plastic tennis courts cover a usable area of 1,835 square meters.

There are 4 plastic volleyball courts with a total usable area of 1,890 square meters.

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