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The University Press

Found in 1985, BLCUP is a professional publisher affiliated to a higher educational institute under the direct administration of Ministry Education. BLCUP has different departments. Among them are the Administration Office, Editorial Departments, Production Department, Department of Book and Audio-Visual Product Distribution, Language Training Department, Marketing Department, Finance Department etc. Besides, Beijing language and Culture University Audio-Visual Publishing House and Center of Research and Department of TCFL textbooks and affiliated to BLCUP. There are more than 800 staff members, among them, 7 are senior editors.

With the prestigious teaching and Research faculty of BLCU as the powerful backing, BLCUP publishes academic works on linguistics, language and teaching and culture education mainly intended for second language learns. The major products include:

1.textbooks of Chinese as foreign language, textbooks of Chinese for oversea learners, and textbooks of Chinese for minority students;

2.foreign language materials for intensive training programs intended for those Chinese who are to go abroad, learning materials for tests of foreign languages and reading materials in foreign languages;

3.books to introduce Chinese culture and other publications in culture education;

4.academic works in linguistics and language teaching.

In 2000, under the approval of General Administration of Press and Publication BLCU Audio-Visual Press was established, aiming at the publication of audio and visual products to complement published Chinese and foreign textbooks.

BLCUP is a publisher that is foreign market-oriented. The language materials that we published have been used by hundreds and thousands of readers in China as well as all over the world and have been very well received. BLCUP has six editorial departments, which mainly develop language learning and teaching materials and audio-visual products. They are:

Department of Chinese Language Education for Foreigners

Department of Chinese Language Education for Overseas Learners

Department of Bilingual Education

Department of Foreign Language Education

Department of General Publications

Electronic and Audio-Visual Department


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