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HSK Test Center was established in 1989 as the sole national organization exclusively devoted to Chinese language testing on research. The Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), designed by HSK Test Center, was awarded third prize of the National Advancement of Science and Technology in 1992. The center has 7 divisions. There are 22 professional staff members: including 9 professors and 5 lecturers.



The Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) is a national standardized test designed to assess the Chinese language proficiency of non-native speakers (including foreigners, overseas Chinese and national minorities). HSK was introduced in 1990. The test has formed a comprehensive testing system, ranging from beginning to advanced level. Apart From being standardized in terms of test development, administration, scoring and score interpretation, HSK provides a theoretical framework for developing the test from pretesting, test data analysis to statistical equivalence. It is internationally recognized as a language requirement. In addition, an item bank or series of banks of HSK has gradually taken shape.


HSK was first offered around the world in 1991. Since 2004 HSK has examined well over 500,000 candidates from 120 countries and territories.


HSK Test Center undertook research on developing the Chinese language proficiency of the national minorities (MHK) in 1999. Since then MHK has examined over 100,000 candidates from the national minorities.


HSK is administered regularly both at overseas testing centers and at domestic testing centers each year. People may contact individual test centers for full details of their current arrangements.


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